Rhett wants to know what is up with not being included in the cast of characters.

His photo is posted here, by way of a consolation prize.

(And may I just say: He’s a handsome fellow, yes he is, oh what a good boy, yes he is . . . Sorry, where were we? Ah yes, the Cast of Characters)

 Looser Islanders

The Hairy Horde,” canine companions of Missy (self-described “island delivery gal”): Buster, a mutt of uncertain heritage but absolutely certain affections; Manly, an unneutered but mild-mannered Great Dane; Fetch, a yellow Labrador who loves to—well, enough said; and Brunhilde, a beautiful but unpredictable Afghan Hound

Charlie, mostly-Newfoundland emotional support dog and CEO of drooling for Retha, who runs Retha’s Bar and Grill

Sylvia, cat-who-thinks-she’s-a-dog, presiding over The Coffee Hut owned by Amelia

Gafr the Goat, not technically a dog but treated like a pet by “the new hippie couple” Liam and Geena, and their toddler Daisy

Mazie, small white mop-dog and unpaid assistant to TeeKay Smith, owner of Island Books

Fran and Nan, Scottish Terriers to Jill and Jack Roth

Silas, three-legged dog belonging to Ben and Caroline Breckenridge, who run the Breckenridge Inn while raising: Angelique (6), John (10), Max (9), twins Hannah and Randy (13), Kevin (17), and Rainbow (also 17), one white Rat (Marvel); three more dogs (George, Roger, and Nadine); two cats (Miss Perfect and her counterpart, Miscreant); and a lizard of uncertain provenance named Storm. Also fifteen goats whose names no one can remember, because there are only so many things the brain can hold.

 Pip and JP, ancient dogs of indeterminate breed belonging to Frank and Kasumi.

Pip the Irascible (Missing: JP the Slightly Ridiculous).

Photo by portmaccer from Pixabay

And . . .

Irritable Pomeranian Pretty Boy, status symbol and kindred spirit of Cherry Duluth, Chairwoman of the Looser Island Water District Board of Directors, realtor, and island siren

Dogless Sheriff Tom Haley, who has been sheriff so long his title really is part of his name

Pug Hubert, silent counselor from beyond the grave to old Celia Prewitt, the sharp-tongued but kind-hearted former school teacher

Great Pyrenees Mo, hairy guardian angel of Gloria, owner and chef extraordinaire of The Dog House Café

Pitbull-mix Jerry Garcia, formerly of the household of free-spirit and postmistress Jenny, and her son Seth

Unidentifiable blend of various sheep-herding breeds Hound, who creaks and groans alongside old Jens Jensen, sheep farmer and official island curmudgeon

Jens’s son Sam, who works at the post office but longs to be a poet, who is in love or in crush with Susan

Marta, Susan’s daughter, dogless for now but not forever.

Digger, beagle-ish dog of John and Donna Swartout, erstwhile friends of Jack and Jill

Shelby, australian-shepherd mix matching all the prickliness of Lauren, owner of the Apple Cart Grocery, formerly the dog of . . .

. . . Bill, Lauren’s son and Marta’s father, who is still in love with Susan, but she won’t have him.


Most of the characters after And . . . appear in the prequel, and/or have only minor roles in What the Dogs Know. Stay tuned to meet them properly, when the prequel is posted.