Spotlight On . . . Our Feline Friends

Since the chapters last week and this week focus on Sylvia - a cat, this Spotlight On . . . is about our feline friends.

Starting with Oregon City’s Diva.

Diva has since crossed the rainbow bridge (a crocheted bridge, with felt mice and catnip scattered daily along the balustrades . . .). Diva was “a gray thought-she-was-a-dog. Her name came from her vocalizing, which was strident and piercing.”

One of Diva’s humans has made a wooden “whimsy” for every pet who has passed on.

Here’s Diva’s Whimsy.

And then there’s Remus
(his human’s pets almost all have names
from characters in the Harry Potter books).

Remus loves to hide . . .

. . . and Remus loves to be found.

There’s also this montage of sweet felines, from Sharon:

Last but not least, an update on our friend Heidi Ho.
A sweet stray made her way to Heidi’s house, and while Heidi’s humans wait for the kitty’s human to find her,
the two animals may be on the way to becoming fast friends.

Shari Lane

I’ve been a lawyer, board president, preschool teacher and middle school teacher, friend, spouse, mother, and now grandmother, but one thing has never changed: from the time I could hold a pencil, I’ve been a writer of stories, a spinner of tales - often involving dragons (literal or metaphorical). I believe we are here to care for each other and this earth. Most of all, I believe in kindness and laughter. (And music and good books, and time spent with children and dogs. And chocolate.)


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