The Dogs of Looser Island

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Au Revoir For Now

August 31, 2022 is the last day to read
What the Dogs Know online.

And now we come to it, dear lovely readers . . . I am reviewing and rearranging the stories in preparation for sending the stories out into the world “for reals.” The chapters will be up and available for download, printing, etc. through August 31, 2022, so Get ‘em while they’re hot, as the saying goes.

After August 31, the website will remain up, with all the marvelous photos you’ve shared, and the Canis Miscellus posts, as well as other related pages on the website. I’ll leave the very first chapter (the first part of Missy’s story) up, but all the other chapters will be gone.

So, from all of us (in order of appearance from the gallery on this post and the thumbnail for the post: JP, Gafr the Goat, Brunhilde, Charlie, Fetch, Fran and Nan, Jerry Garcia, Manly, Pretty Boy, Silas, Sylvia, Mazie, and Waiting) (not pictured, alas: JP’s cheerier companion Pip; devoted but mostly blind Buster; Jens Jensen’s sheepdog Hound; Gloria’s Massive Mo; and Mazie’s wild mama Loco), to all of you friends of What the Dogs Know. . .

. . . Thank you for sharing this journey!
