Featured Artist Bonita Hansen Taylor

Bonita currently lives in Oregon, and goes adventuring in Hawaii, Mexico, and many other marvelous places. She meets regularly with other artists, led by the amazing Jude Welter.

What the Dogs Know is not her first dive into illustration. Bonita illustrated the picture book Pancake & Flapjack, written by Maddison Gratiana. She also provided the cover art for The Unfairy Tale: Audrey's Turn, a novel of friendship and fantasy for the 10 - 12 year old reader.

When Bonita was a young teacher, she spent summers in Northern Michigan with her grandmother, Edna Hansen, a talented artist. The two of them had a once-a-week “Watercolor Day,” and Bonita was hooked!

If you’d like to see more, and purchase or commission some of her wonderful work, you can reach Bonita at bltaylor4854@gmail.com.

Swing by Bonita Hansen Taylor
All Rights Reserved

Bonita’s work is featured in What the Dogs Know here:

This list will be updated as new work is featured

A story for the young and the young-at-heart.

Pancake & Flapjack follows the journey of a homeless dog and her puppies. Hungry for food and hungry for love, the little mama had no home, no one to love, ad no one to love her back. The kindness of strangers filled the little dog’s belly and her heart too!

Shari Lane

I’ve been a lawyer, board president, preschool teacher and middle school teacher, friend, spouse, mother, and now grandmother, but one thing has never changed: from the time I could hold a pencil, I’ve been a writer of stories, a spinner of tales - often involving dragons (literal or metaphorical). I believe we are here to care for each other and this earth. Most of all, I believe in kindness and laughter. (And music and good books, and time spent with children and dogs. And chocolate.)


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