The Dogs of Looser Island

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“The Power of the Dog”

Ollie (Oregon) demonstrating the power of big brown puppy eyes.

This is not a post about the Oscar-nominated movie.

No, we are interrupting your regularly scheduled program (does one Sunday count as “regularly scheduled program? I’m going with it) - Joke O’ the Day - to share a 3/12/2022 NPR article:

The Power of the Dog and How Pets are Helping Ukrainians Cope with War

“The positive impact pets can have on people going through tumult cannot be overstated, said Lauren Powell, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Pennsylvania's School of Veterinary Medicine.

Pets can provide companionship, help reduce feelings of loneliness, and boost feel-good hormones, such as oxytocin, Powell told NPR over email. Pets can also help decrease our biological response to stress by lowering our stress hormones, relaxing our heart rate and blood pressure, she said.”

This is not news to me, or, I’d venture to guess, to anyone else with pets.

I don’t live in Ukraine or any of the bordering countries. In these troubled times, what can I do to help?

My friend, marvelous author and writing coach Charlotte Rains Dixon, suggests we use the gifts we have, and help right where we are. (Her advice is the main reason I am sharing stories about dogs, by the way.)

So here’s my thought: if you have a dog, or some other pet, go snuggle. Right now, before you come up with a hundred things you have to do first.

If you know someone who is struggling but who doesn’t have a pet, invite them* over to share some of those feel-good hormones.

*Inclusive pronoun intentional

If you have no pet, find a friend who does, and ask if you can borrow some happiness.

Who knows? Maybe we can start a chain reaction,
dominoes of puppy-love (and kitty- and hamster- and llama-love)
stretching all the way from wherever you are
into the hearts of those waging war,
and suddenly there will be
an outbreak of peace.

It’s worth a try.

And when you’re done with that, if you can, donate to one of the organizations helping Ukranians (the humans and/or the non-human animals). Here are a few organizations to check out, as recommended by

Our non-human family thanks you!